Complete program "Digital Literacy"
3D printing in the classroom? Start a conversation about fake news or sexting? Experimenting with the Mirco:bit? Together with students, form an opinion about robots that will take over our jobs? Digital Literacy will soon be a compulsory curriculum. But, where do you start?
At Mediawegwijs!
Mediawegwijs offers a complete program for all schools!
Our specialized experts and subject teachers will help you with:
a learning path of 49 lessons for ages 1 to 8 and a series of lessons for secondary schools
professionalization of teachers
and information for parents.
Our goal? Introduce digital literacy in an appropriate manner within every school.
Professionalization of teaching team (PS/SE/SPS/SSE)
Our team of pedagogues, didactic experts, education experts and media and technological professionals brings innovative knowledge and experience to your school!
We help the teaching team through work sessions and lectures into the future in both an informative and practical way.
Media-literacy also offers train the trainersupport, where the teacher is being supported by our subject teacher and can learn 'on the job'.

The formula of Mediawegwijs
Learning Line Digital
What do students find interesting? How do you bring this material into the classroom if you know little about it yourself?
Mediawegwijs offers a learning line where the focus is primarily on substantive quality. The lessons are divided into 6 "media-wise" themes. The learning line is in line with the curriculum, with a great deal of attention for innovative developments.
Professionalization teacher & management
Can a teacher be expected to just start teaching Digital Literacy lessons?
The Mediawegwijs program offers plenty of guidance and substantive development opportunities for the entire team of teachers (training, train-the-trainer, coaching), as well as for the management (vision/mission development). Sessions and support can be determined in consultation.
Stimulate parental involvement
How do you involve the parents in this matter, while you are also learning about Digital Literacy yourself?
Parents are integrally included in our approach. In collaboration with Bureau Jeugd & Media we organize (a) parent evening(s) and during the school year parents are provided with information in a way that suits your school.

The most important questions: What, Why, Who?
How can you put all these innovative media and special technological initiatives in a clear perspective for the students?
Our learning line consists of 49 lessons for PS and a series of lessons for SE. An average of seven lessons per year are divided into “media-literacy” themes:
real & fake
computer programming
online identity
future professions
high-tech techniques
Technology or media is used in every lesson. In addition, we teach the students step by step to interpret these developments and resources. Each lesson revolves around the 3 questions on the right.
Alignment with goals SLO and curriculum.nu
“Digital Literacy will soon be compulsory in the curriculum. The Mediawegwijs teachers have worked wonderfully with our students. Radiant students and enthusiastic teachers were the result. We will definitely continue next year! ~ Alienke Meijer, De Morgenster Amsterdam.
The Mediawegwijs approach is continuously aligned with the goals of SLO and curriculum.nu. ICT basic skills,
media literacy,
computational thinking,
and information skills all have their place in the 49 lessons.
In the lessons for the lower PS playful discovery is central, with simple technology & apps. In high school classes there is more room for depth. Such as philosophical or future issues or more challenging tools and apps, such as the Micro:bit. This line is continued in secondary education and, in addition to attention to basic skills and the subject matter, goes even deeper.

Detailed manual per lesson: suitable for every teacher
“I knew very little about robots, but as a teacher I could get started right away with the manual that came with it!” ~ Sylvia Louwris, group 3 De Springstok Amsterdam.
The materials developed for each lesson can be used immediately by every teacher. Our recognizable structure uses video, classroom interaction and assignments. The Mediawegwijs teacher's manuals have been worked out in detail, so that you can perform the lesson even without prior knowledge.
“After seeing the lesson, I could imitate it myself. I only saw satisfied students. Curious, eager to learn. They have achieved a great end result.” ~ Ria van Leeuwen. Amsterdam secondary school teacher.
Contact us
Would you like to join this unique, innovative concept?
Ilse Godtschalk is the developer and coördinator. Feel free to contact her for more information.